24 sept 2008


It was five to twelve. Almost midnight.

The man entered the pub reluctantly. After ordering a JD on the rocks he walked towards the jukebox, trying not to get his raincoat stained (and seeing the surroundings that was a long shot).

He lit a cigarette with his shiny zippo and smoked deeply.
Somewhere he heard a voice saying: "what up, Jimmy?" and nodded without having a look.

The man took out a quarter dollar and put it into the jukebox. He selected an old, lively tune thinking it was what he needed, but the machine didn't seem to work. After a few seconds James kicked the fucking device and a scratchy sound came out while the machine gave back the coin and the music started to sound.

Dammit! that wasn't the song he wanted to hear...
but after a while he smiled and thought: "perhaps that's what I need..."

Two hours later the man left the pub (of course without paying a round) whistling the song he didn't want to hear.

There was a thought running through his head. Something like tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, but he was too wasted and quite sure he won't remember it the next day.

The well-known tune echoed as the man faded in the shadows of the night:

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well you might find
You get what you need.